On the evening of 23rd May 2016 the first two F-35As arrived at Leeuwarden Airbase.

During the last stage of the transit flight the two F-35s were escorted by the RNLAF Gulfstream IV.

Welcomed by the RNLAF Fire brigade at Leeuwarden Airbase.

The two pilots were welcomed on the ground by the Dutch minister of Defence Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert.

The visit of these two F-35As was the first international debut of this aircraft ever.

For a period of three weeks the F-35As will make several flights from Leeuwarden Airbase and noise levels were recorded. In 2019 the first F-35As will arrive in the Netherlands. These first jets will be stationed at Leeuwarden Airbase and Volkel Airbase will follow afterwards.

The Netherlands has already bought eight aircraft, taking the total to 37.